FFT Aspire
FFT provides data and analysis tools to schools and local authorities. Key to this is its new product, FFT Aspire.
This greenfield project replaced its predecessor, FFTLive, with the intention of moving the whole product forwards in terms of user understanding and usage levels. It is highly visual, with a backbone of complex data.
A unique navigation method lets the user switch between local authority and individual schools quickly and understand a complex organisational hierarchy.
Users analyse past performance through various indicators; examine current pupils' details, backgrounds and results; and set targets for the future on a per-pupil basis.
Additionally, it is a full suite of administration tools to import pupils, assign subjects and export reports through user-friendly steps. It aims to put power previously tied to data managers into the hands of teachers, teaching assistants and governors by being both approachable and authoritative.
Deliverables included wireframes, user interactions, layouts, CSS, HTML and a variety of jQuery/javascript interactions.